Just a Quick blog........ Off to work in a mo, hopefully for just a 12 hour shift....... well the weather here in Cornwall is grey and murky, thought I was going to wake up to a frost...... but nothing, the wind has dropped and I do believe it's not as chilly as yesterday...... hubby has the dreaded lurgy now....... but he has still gone up to the stables to sort Ace out for me, get a bit concerned when Brian (hubby) gets a cough as he is asthmatic, so hopefully he will start to feel better soon....... apart from that all is well, my weekend off this weekend coming so I will be doing some crafting, cannot wait to join in the the challenge over on Make My Monday as I have a few ideas bouncing around my head, and believe me they can do a lot of bouncing, as there is so much room in it........so off to work, will speak again soon God willing, whatever you are doing today stay safe.........

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