Good Afternoon All,
Well it was a grotty start to the day, but seem's to be brighting up a bit at the mo, well busy morning, went up the stables as per usual, took the rabble for a run in the fields, none of them were overly impressed as it was chucking it down......including me, popped in to my daughter Teresa's again, for another coffee and a piece of my grand daughter's birthday cake, Morgan was 14 yesterday........ and she had saved me a piece of her cake, and I must say it was rather scrummy and went down very well....... returned home did a few chores and then settled down to do some crafting, entered a couple of challenges inkspirational challenges and , now I must tell you about this morning, I was up before hubby ( actually nothing new there ) and was in the bathroom, when all of a sudden I heard a lot of banging and crashing, thought it was the rabble as they do tend to crash about the place upon awaking, shouted out for God's sake will you stop, only to find when I came out of the bathroom Hubby sprawled on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, arm up in the air holding on to something for dear life, obviously rushed to see if he was okay, which pleased to say he was, and to find the object that he was holding aloft was my art deco mug, helped hubby up of the floor, he still clutching my mug........ asked hubby if he was alright, to which he replied I am know that I now I saved your mug.......I had to admit it was rather impressive, hmm wonder if they have any vacancies in the England Cricket Team........
well that's all for now folk's, not sure if there will be any posts over the next few day's, as it is my weekend for working, but all have a great weekend and will speak again soon.........

D.A.D. Dazzling Ace Designs
well that's all for now folk's, not sure if there will be any posts over the next few day's, as it is my weekend for working, but all have a great weekend and will speak again soon.........
D.A.D. Dazzling Ace Designs
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