Saturday, 27 October 2012

An Empty Stable.......

Good Afternoon All,

Well  this is not a very happy posting today, I have had my world shattered..... my beloved shire horse Dazzle, has got to be put to sleep on Monday, and I am devastated........I have owned her for 7 years, and she has been a big part in my life, and today I have had to go and say goodbye to her, as I sit here talking to you all, the tears are streaming down my face, I am trying to be strong, but it is not working, I found out the news yesterday, she has had a problem with her back leg, and the vet came and looked at her, and then gave the news that she has arthritis, in her leg and that nothing could be done, and it would only get I had to make that awful decision, the one that I am sure a lot of you have had to make, so today I had to carry on up at the yard as if nothing was wrong, for her sake nobody else's, I had to keep things as normal for her as possible, the awful thing is if you were to look at her you would think she was fine, so I groomed her and cuddled her and said my goodbye's, and left knowing that was the last time I was going to see her, but my last memory of her is a happy one, she was munching on her hay, I have got to work Sunday and Monday, so my Husband Brian, is going up there, to sort things out for me, I am lucky to still have Ace my youngster. The worst thing I have yet to face is on Tuesday, when I go up the yard, as her stable will be empty.......

This is for Dazzle we will see each other again.....

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