Good Afternoon My Lovlies.....
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your weekend......
Well the weather has changed a bit today in my little corner of Cornwall....
a tad on the grey side, but still very humid......
For a lot of us it is back to work Monday... for me it is back to work Monday Night....
I need a day in-between Saturday and Sunday don't know about you !!!!!
There just is not enough time to do everything, and being as I am not at all organized,
everything I do seem's to take longer...... how do some people manage !!!!
I am by no means a couch potato... I do lead an active life.... what with working,
on my time of I ride my horse's.... Hubby and I are trying to get a veg patch established, along with everything else that needs to be done.... and neither of us are Spring Chickens.... yesterday was spent in the garden trying to sort out my much needed veg patch...
I had started seeds of in my green house and they desperately needed to be planted out, so come evening time myself and hubby were cream crackerd and collapsed on the sofa...
but at the end of the day there is nothing more rewarding than seeing something grow that you have nursed yourself.... it's much like crafting.... when you see the finished project and say to yourself I made that, and like me yesterday when I planted out some of the veg I am growing,
I grew that ..... you get a deep sense of satisfaction..and like my Dear Dad alway's said you only get out of life what you put in.....How True...
Well below is a few pics of my veg patch and also my entry for the challenge over at
To which I can say to all I did That......( With The Much Needed Help From Hubby )
Recipe for my Design
8 by 8 White Base Card, printed with a digi sheet from the digi kit Toybox
All of the elements are fro the same kit
Black and White image from Pantheon Arts and Graphics, which I changed to a sepia tone to contrast with my colour scheme.
Sentiment my Own and computer Generated....
My First few home grown spuds have got more to dig up.... |
Hubby Man at Work |
Turning the soil for my Veg Patch |
Veg Patch Measure aprrox 6ft by 10ft at the back I have Dwarf Beans, then Spinach and then some carrots, all these have been grown from seeds, next week I will planting out my Brussels Spring Onions and Beetroot, all of which have been grown from seed, there certainly is satisfaction in growing your own, at least you know for sure that they will be Organic... |