Sticky Note, this will remain at the top of the page, until the end of February 2014
all you have to do to be in with a chance to win a
$20.00 Image Certificate. from Lacy Sunshine
is to become a follower, the Challenge will go live on
March 1st 2014,
While I am here I would just like to explain a bit about the
Completely Christmas Challenge's,
Each one of the Challenges will be
Anything Goes.....
CD Printables and Digital Layout's or Images are also acceptable, No size requirements,
apart from each month there will be,
a Mid Month Sketch,
Anything Goes,
as long as the project is
Good Afternoon readers..
Well it is the start of the weekend again, can you believe it .....
It only seemed like yesterday I was saying the same thing, well what have you all been up to, the weather has been a bit better of late in my little corner of Cornwall, although on the chilly side ... up the yard this morning the first time since last Sunday , Hubby has been sorting the boy out for me while I have been waiting for the new Tumble to be delivered, which arrived yesterday, so I was expecting Ace to greet me with open arms, telling me how much he has missed me ...... but no, I did get the proverbial neigh, but I get that from him every time he see's me or hear's my voice ...... all he wanted was his brekkie, and he was not all that impressed when he saw me get his saddle out either, so after I had ridden and sorted a few things out, I returned home, but to my surprise on the way home, Noah ( that's the name of my truck) decided on taking over the steering wheel himself and drove me to my fav charity shop and stopped right outside, I had no control so I couldn't have stopped him even if I had wanted to !!!!!!!! so not wanting to disappoint him I went inside ..... and came out with 2 tops for Hubby, 2 tops and a pair of trousers for me, 3 tops and a pair of jeans for my daughter Teresa and 3 soft toys for the rabble, total cost £5.00 ...... so I patted Noah on the bonnet and thanked him for taking control, as I was going to drive straight past !!!!!!! ( Honest) so I dropped items of to said Daughter who was pleased with the goodies, and came home......

Recipe for my Design
5 by 5 Smooth White Base Card
Elements used from Digi Kits
From this Day Forward
Swirling Memories
Indie Chic
Rose My Own Image
